The Day I Forgot to Wear My Underwear

The Day I Forgot to Wear My Underwear

There I was, getting ready to make the biggest presentation of my life, and I realized I didn’t have any underwear on, or a skirt for that matter. How could I have been so unaware of lacking such basic things? Thank goodness, I woke up. It was just a bad dream.

If you’ve had this crazy dream before where you forget to wear something noticeable, you’ve likely been told it means you are unprepared for something in your life. That may be true, but I think it is simply a case of being unaware.

Two things occurred yesterday that made me further question people’s awareness. First, I was driving through the Publix parking lot and right in front of me was an adult woman walking across my driving path. She didn’t look up to see that she was 10 feet from the pedestrian crosswalk or notice that cars were moving in front of her. Second, a landscape worker was blowing cut grass at the edge of the road. Without hesitation, he stepped off the lawn onto the street, directly in front of my car bumper. In both cases, they were lucky I was in full awareness mode.


To be more aware, you can start with one simple action—put the darn phone down. Whether you are at a conference, meeting or business lunch, put the phone away and simply enjoy what is happening right in front of you. Be aware, and you just may discover a job lead, new assignment or sales prospect. The opportunities are there if you make yourself open to be aware of them.

Being aware may also be the beginning of a new career venture. Imagine if Sara Blakely had not been keenly aware of the need for smooth lines under white pants. Life without Spanx®? Now that’s a bad dream!


I partner with those who want to Get S**t Done.